Instructional Pedagogy Syllabus


Instructional Pedagogy Syllabus course is the fundamental background of educational methods, strategies, and techniques of teaching processes at the lower secondary level.


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 Instructional Pedagogy Syllabus
Grade XI
Full marks: 50( 40+ 1 0)
Pass marks: 14+4
Teaching hours: 75
Nature of subject-T+P 
I. Introduction
Instructional Pedagogy Syllabus course is the fundamental background of educational methods, strategies, and techniques of teaching processes at the lower secondary level. It is designed for the purpose of imparting basic understanding and developing teaching competencies of several important aspects such as instructional planning, organization, management, materials, and teaching skills. It has also incorporated those principles, processes, and facts that are considered relevant to the instructional pedagogy. It also covers the topics relating to pedagogy such as concepts and intends to impart understanding in instructional strategies, extracurricular activities and in instructional planning and materials development.
II.      General objectives:
    The course Instructional Pedagogy Syllabus aims at providing basic ground to:
1.      elaborate the meaning and importance of pedagogy and instructional strategy:
2.      develop instructional planning and objectives with practice:
3.      specify knowledge and skill of instructional management:
4.      infer in different instructional organizations:
5.      Provide knowledge in emerging curricular activities:
6.      develop appropriate knowledge and skills of instructional materials:
7.      acquaint the students with sound knowledge and skills in selecting and using different methods of teaching;
8.      recognize a basic literacy approaches and techniques and
9.      involve the students in practical activities for making and using instructional planning and materials.
III.  Specific obJectives:
      On completion of the Instructional Pedagogy Syllabus. the student will be able to:
1.         explain the meaning, definitions, and importance of pedagogy;

2.         state the factors involved in instructional strategies:
3.         clarify the meaning of instructional planning;
4.         differentiate instructional planning from educational planning with examples;
5.         specify the taxonomy of objectives, formulate instructional objectives and to use them;
6.         describe the meaning of instructional management;
7.         identify the techniques enhancing classroom climate;
8.         show the techniques organizing the classroom environment;
9.         mention the meaning, objectives, and types of instructional organization with their strengths and weaknesses;
10.     explain the meaning and principles of organizing extracurricular activities:
11.     give reasons to organize co-curricular activities;
12.     discuss the meaning, importance and use of instructional materials;
13.     enumerate the general classification of instructional materials with their basic concepts;
14.     clarify the teacher and student-initiated methods in reference to meaning, strengths, weakness and uses/implications;
15.     define literacy education and explain basis literacy approaches and techniques;
16.     formulate operation calendar, yearly plan, daily lesson plan and daily instructional routine and
17.     prepare and use of instructional materials (as-indicated in this curriculum).
IV.   Contents
Unit 1
1.1  Meaning and Definition of Pedagogy
1.2  Importance of Pedagogy
1.3  Meaning of instructional Strategy
1.3.1 Factors Involved in Instructional Strategy
                          § Purpose of the lesson
                          Contents of the Lesson
§   Materials and activities
§   Evaluation of performance
Unit 2
Instructional Planning                                                          10 hrs
2.1  Meaning of instructional Planning
2.2  Differences between Educational and Instructional Planning.
2.3  Instructional Objectives: Meaning and Characteristics
2.4  Selection of instructional Objectives
2.5  Taxonomy of Instructional Objectives
2.6  Formulation of instructional Objectives (with practice)
2.7  Introduction of the following planning (with their meaning. importance and components (with practice)
2.7.1  Yearly Operation Calendar
2.7.2  Annual Work Plan
2.7.3  Unit plan
2.7.4  Daily Lesson Plan
2.7.5  Daily Class Routine/Schedule
  Instructional Management                                                        7 hrs
3.1 Concept of Instructional Management 
Meaning of instructional management.
v  Enhancing classroom climate (Developing children’s confidence and self-esteem, Developing an incorporative classroom and Developing through Quality Circle Time)
v  Organizing the classroom environment (Leaming environment, use of space, Resources and Time)
3.2. Art of Instructional Management
           Inclusiveness of Pupil. (Art of making inclusive class)
           Getting off to a good start
           Classroom activation
           Techniques of motivation
           Art of questioning 
    Art of response management of pupils in the class. 
Unit    4
                        Instructional Organization                                                                  6 hrs

4.1  Meaning of instructional organization
4.2  Objectives of instructional organization
4.3  Types of instructional organization (with reference to meaning, Characteristics, Strengths and Weaknesses)
        Grade Teaching
        Subject Teaching
        Multi-grade Teaching
        Non-graded Teaching
Unit         5
Curricular Activities                                                            4 hrs
   5.1 Extra-curricular activities
      Meaning and advantages of extra-curricular activities.
      Principles and organizing extra-curricular activities. Types of extra-curricular activities.
 5.2 Co-curricular Activities.
• Meaning and advantages of Co-Curricular Activities.
Instructional Materials                                                       10 hrs
6.1 Concept of instructional materials
6.2. Importance and the use of instructional materials 
6.3 Classification of instructional materials.
a. General Classification
Audio-visual materials (with electronic materials)
Printed materials
b.  Low cost/No cost materials
c.   Self-study learning materials: Introduction, Need, Types, and Sources.
Instructional Methods                                                 10 hrs
7.1 Meaning, Characteristics, and principles of instructional/teaching methods.
7 .2. The general classification of instructional methods,
   Teacher Initiated Methods; Lecture, Demonstration and Discussion
   Learner Centred Methods; Experiment, Field-Trip, Individual Study, Study Assignment, Mini Project, Survey, Inquiry, Discovery, Problem Solving, and Exploration.
Literacy Education                                                               8 hrs
8.1 Meaning of literacy education
8.2. Basic Literacy approaches
        Phonic and Key-Word Approach
        Language Experience Approach
        Whole Language Approach
8.3 Basic Literacy Techniques
      Regenerating Freirerian        Literacy   through    Empowering        Community     The technique (REFLECT)
      Learner Generated Materials (LGM)
      Local elite Generated Materials (LEGM)
Unit 9                                                                
 Practical Activities                                                               10 hrs
9.1 Formulation of the following plans
    Operation Calendar, Yearly plan, Unit plan, Daily Lesson Plan for Grade Teaching, Multi
Garde Teaching, Subject Teaching, Nongraded Teaching and Daily Routine
9.2 Preparation of following instructional materials
    Chalk board, Fannel board, Display board, Model, Specimen, Charts, Graphs, and pocket Chart
V. Practical activities
 Each student must prepare and submit the prepare materials of unit 2.6, 2.7, 4.3, 9.1, 9.2 
VI. Instructional procedures
The method of instruction will mostly comprise of lecture, explanation, demonstration, discussion, mini-project, library work, self-study, self-work, question answer, and practical activities
VII. Assessment Procedures 
Assessment of student achievement in this course will be made on the basis of performance in preparing materials and performance in the final written examination 40 marks, Pass marks 14) After completion of all the practical activities concerned Higher Secondary School should complete the given from clearly and send to the Higher Secondary Education Board before final examination
Question wise marks distribution 
2 long answer -questions        =2×10=20 marks 
  4 short answer questions         =4×5=20 marks 
practical exam -10 marks 
VIII. References

1.      Shrestha Chandra Bahadur, Instructional Pedagogy, Bhundipuran, Prakashan, Ktm
2.      Jha, Shobhakanta, Instructional Pedagogy, Ekta Books and Distributors, Ktm
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