NEB Biology Syllabus, being the science of nature, deals with the fascinating changes, which continuously take place in the living world. Every person is expected to understand the nature of which hi is a part. One needs to be familiar with the changes taking place in nature.
The study of biology equips an individual, to understand the living world in the light of new researches.
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Grade XI NEB Syllabus – NEB Biology Syllabus
Grade XI
Teaching hour: 150
Full marks: 75+25=100
I. Introduction of NEB Biology Syllabus
NEB Biology Syllabus, being the science of nature, deals with the fascinating changes, which continuously take place in the living world. Every person is expected to understand the nature of which hi is a part. One needs to be familiar with the changes taking place in nature. The study of biology equips an individual, to understand the living world in the light of new researches. Besides realizing the general objectives of any discipline of science like the development of scientific temper and analytical skill, the curriculum in biology has also to be geared to meet the requirement of careers in the field of medicine and related disciplines (wildlife, forestry, agriculture, natural resources, environment, etc). This course is designed for general science (Biological and physical) students of Grade XI.
II.General objectives of NEB Biology Syllabus
The general objectives of NEB Biology Syllabus are,
a. to provide the concept of biology and encourage the learners to use the acquired knowledge in day to day life,
b. to make the learners aware of the present development in biological science as well as to develop the knowledge and skill in the wise use of the available natural resources and sustaining them; and
c. to prepare the students to take up advanced studies in biology at the university level.
III. Specific Objectives of NEB Biology Syllabus
On completion of the course mention in NEB Biology Syllabus the students will be able to:
1.describe the life components, the origin of life and its evolution up to the present day;
2.explain the cell components, their types, and cell division
3.explain diversity of plant and animal
4.discuss functional processes of the typical animal types
5.describe the environmental concept, ecological imbalances and their consequences; and
6. explain the importance of natural resources, their conservation, and management with reference to the national context.
NEB Biology Syllabus
Grade XI
Course Content
Section A (Botany)
Teaching hour: 75
Full marks: 37.5
Unit 1: Introduction to Biology 5 teaching hour
• Biochemically important organic and inorganic molecules (general concepts): Carbohydrate, protein, lipid, nucleic acid, minerals and water.
Unit 2 : Cell Biology 15 teaching hour
• The cell: The cell as a unit of life, structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Structure and functions of cell organelles and inclusions.
• Cell division: Amitosis, mitosis, meiosis
Unit 3. Biodiversity 40 teaching hour
Definition and scope of biodiversity, flora diversity of Nepal, concept of taxonomy: classification, binomial nomenclature, shortcoming of two kingdom classification, hierarchic system in classification, phylogeny. Five kingdom classification: Monera, protista, Mycota, Plantae and Animalia.
•Monera: General account, structure and function of bacterial cells, concept of autotrophic and heterotrophic life styles, economic importance of bacteria. Cyanobacteria: Nostoc- Structure, reproduction and economic importance.
•Mycota:Concept of Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes. Structure and reproduction of Zygomycetes (Mucor), Ascomycetes (Yeast). Economic importance of fungi.
Algae: Introduction to green, red and brown algae, structure and reproduction of Spirogyra.
Bryophyta:Marchantia and Funaria (morphology and life cycle).
Pteridophyta :Dryopteris (morphology and life cycle)
Gymnosperm:Brief morphological structure of Cycas and pinus structure and it’s distribution.
Angiosperm:Morphology: root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit and seed relevant to the following families. Taxonomy and economic importance of the following families; Cruciferae (Brassicaceae), Solanaceae,
Leguminosae– Papilionoideae only, Compositae (Asteraceae) and Gramineae (Poaceae)
Lichen:Introduction and economic importance.
Virus: Structure and economic importance.
Unit 4: Biota and their Environment 15 teaching hour
• Ecology: Definition, abiotic, biotic factors and their interactions
• Concept of ecosystem, Pond and grassland ecosystems: structural and functional aspects; food chain, trophic level, ecological pyramids, productivity, concept of community and succession.
• Bio-geochemical cycle: carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle.
• Ecological imbalance and its consequences: Green house effects, depletion of ozone layer and acid rain
• Concept of mountain ecosystem (altitudinal and climatic changes)
Forest conservation: Brief introduction of forests of Nepal, the importance of afforestation and hazards of deforestation
Management of land and water
Evaluation Scheme of NEB Biology Syllabus
Unit wise weightage for Botany part 1
Types of questions asked in the examination
Teaching hour
Very short question (1 mark)
Short questions (3 marks)
Long question
(7.5 or 8 marks)
1.Introduction to
2.Cell Biology
2 or 1 opt
or 1*
3 or 1 opt
3 or 1 opt
1 or 1 opt
(7.5 marks)
4.Biota and their environment
2 or 1 opt
2 or 1 opt
or 1*
37.5 marks
7 ques x 1 mark
5 ques x 3 marks
2 ques x 7.5 marks and 8
Total 7 marks
Total 15 marks
Total 15.5 marks
*One full question of 8 marks will be asked either from the unit cell biology or Biota and environment
NEB Biology Syllabus
Grade XI
Course Content
Section B (Zoology)
Teaching hour: 75
Full marks: 37.5
Unit 1: Introduction to Biology 5 teaching hour
• Nature and scope of Biology
• Branch and relation with other sciences
• General approach to understanding life processes.
Unit 2: Origin and evolution of life 20 Teaching hour
• Life and its origin
• Theories of origin of life
• Oparin and Haldane’s Theory Miller and Urey’s experiment
• Meaning of evolution, organic evolution
• Evidence of evolution, structural, anatomical, paleontological, Embryological & Biochemical
• Lamarckism, Darwinism & concept of Neo Darwinism
• Human evolution
Unit 3: Biodiversity 35 teaching hour
Meaning of biodiversity, faunal diversity of Nepal.
• Protista: Characteristics and classification of phylum protozoa upto class with examples; Habit and habitat, structure, reproduction and lifecycle of Paramecium and Plasmodium vivax (a concept of P.falciparum)
• Animalia: General characters and classification of the following phyla (upto class) with examples- Porifera, coelenterata (Cnidaria), Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes (Nemathelminthes), Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Chordata. Earthworm (Pheretima posthuma): Habit and habitat, structure; digestive, excertory, reproductive and nervous systems. Economic importance.
Frog (Rana tigrina): Habit and habitat, structure; digestive, circulatory, respiratory, Reproductive anf nervous system.Economic importance.
Unit 4: Biota and their Environment 15 teaching hour
• Environmental pollution: Air, water and soil. Sources of pollution, their effects and control measures. Hazards of pesticides.
• Animal behaviour: Taxes, reflexes and reflex action, dominance and leadership migratory behaviour of fish and bird.
•Adaption: Animal : Aquatic, amphibious and terrestrial (arboreal and volan)
• Conservation:
1. Wildlife conservation: Meaning of wildlife, importance of wildlife, meaning of rare, threatened, vulnerable and endangered species, few endangered species in Nepal. Conservation practices (National parks, wildlife reserves and hunting reserves) ways of conservation and causes of extinction.
Human responsibility for the protection of earth.
Evalulation Scheme of NEB Biology Syllabus
Unit wise weightage for Zoology Grade XI
Types of questions asked in the examination
Teaching hour
Very short question (1 mark)
Short questions (3 marks)
(7.5 or 8 marks)
1. Introduction to Biology
2. Evolution of
2 or 1 opt
0 or 1 opt
3. Biodiversity
1 or 1 opt
3 or 1 opt
1 or 1 opt (7.5 marks)
4. Biota and their environment
2 or 1 opt
37.5 marks
7 ques x 1 mark
5 ques x 3 marks
2 ques x 7.5 marks and 8 marks
Total 7 marks
Total 15
Total 15.5 marks
* One full question of 8 marks will be asked either from the unit Evolution of life or Biota and environment
Format for question model for Biology-Part 1
Section B (Zoology)
1.Answer in very short; any seven 1 mark x 7 ques =7 marks
Total questions to be asked -10
2.Describe in brief; any five 3 marks x 5 ques=15 marks
Total questions to be asked-7
3.Long answer questions (two questions) (8+7.5) marks = 15.5 marks
One questions are given as option as “or”
Total 37.5 marks
Total schedule for questions
Very short question – 1 mark -maximum 1 min
Short question- 3 mark -maximum 7-8 min Long question- 7 or 7.5 marks -maximum 23-24 min
1. There will be separate answer sheets for section A(Botany) and section B (Zoology) 2. The total exam time period of theory will be of 3 hrs. for both the sections A and B
3.Concerned examiners will evaluate both the papers separately.
4.The pass marks are 27. The students must pass in Botany and Zoology jointly.
Botany Practical
Grade XI
1.Use and maintenance of compound microscope.
2.Study of museum specimen and slides.
i.Types of bacterical cells;
ii. Spirogyrafilaments;
iii. Mucor: Culture to demonstrate mycelium and sporangium; culture of yeast cells; iv. Study of vegetative and reproductive structure of Marchantia, Funaria, Dryopteris, Pinus.
3. Study of different stages of mitotic and meiotic cell division through permanent slides and chart.
4.Preparation of temporary slide to study cell structure: Onion scale leaf, leaf of Geranium or Zebrinaor Tradescantia or any other locally available leaf
5.Description of following plants in semi-technical terms with their floral diagrams and fromulae and identification and economic importance of at least one plant from each of the following families:
a. Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) b. Solanaceae c. Leguminosae- Papilionoidae only d. Compositae (Asteraceae) e. Gramineae (Poaceae)
6. Study of fresh water ecosystem using an aquarium or pond showing food chain 7. Study of morphological adaptations of the hydrophytes, mesophytes and Xerophytes.
8. Field study: Collection identification of plants and animals from local area; preservation of collected organisms in suitable preservatives and maintain a record. The students are also advised to observe different types of environmental pollution during their field study(Jointly with zoology Dept)
Zoology Practical- Grade XI
1.Study of permanent slide and museum specimen:
Paramecium, Plasmodium, Sycon, Hydra, Fasciola(liver fluke), Taenia (Tape worm), Ascaris(Round worm), Pheretima(Earthworm), Hirudinaria(leech), Palaemon(Prawn), Cancer(Crab), Periplaneta (Cockroach), Pieris(Butterfly), Bombyx(Moth), Aranea (Spider), Palamnaeus (Scopion), Scolopendra (Centipede), Julus (Millipede), Helix (Garden Snail), Astereas (Starfish), Labeo (Rohu fish), Rana (Frog), Bufo (Toad), Hemidactylus (wall lizard), Chelone (turtle), Columba (pigeon), Rhinolophus (Bat) and Funambulus (Squirrel)
2.Preparation of the temporary slide and their study:
i. Striated muscle fiber (thigh) of frog. ii. Setae and ovary of earthworm iii. Squamous epithelial cell of the human cheek.
3.Study of histological structure through permanent slides of skin, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, rectum, liver, pancreas, lung, kidney, testis and ovary of frog.
4.Study of adaptational features of a primary aquatic animal (Labeo), Secondary aquatic animal (Turtle), arboreal (Calotes, Tree frog), primary volant (pigeon or other birds) and secondary volant (Flying fish, Bat)
5.Dissection of the animal provided so as to expose their
a.Earthworm: General anatomy, alimentary canal, nervous system, and reproductive organs.
b.Frog: General anatomy, alimentary canal, arterial and venous systems, reproductive organs and brain.
Format of the model question for the practical exam
Section A- Botany (Grade XI)
Time: 3 hrs
Full marks: 12.5 marks
Pass marks: 5 marks
1. Taxonomy- Identification of family and plant 3.5 marks
2. Preparation of temporary slide
1.5 marks
3. Spotting (6spotting)
3 marks
4. Viva- voce-
2 marks
5. Class record
Model question for practical exam
2.5 marks
Total: 12.5 marks
Time: 3 hrs.
Full marks: 12.5 marks
Pass marks: 5 marks |
1. Dissection of animals-
3.5 marks
2. Preparation of the temporary slide-
1.5 marks
3. Spotting (6 Spotting)
3 marks
4. Viva- voce
2 marks
5. Class record-
2.5 marks
Total: 12.5 marks
1.There will be the separate practical exam for Botany and Zoology.
2.Practical exam time will be of 3 hr. for each practical exam.
3.Students must pass both the practical exams separately.
References Books.
1. Mahato, Ras Bihari, Advance Level Biology-XI, Ekata Books and Distributors, Ktm
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